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CGPS President: Military Transgender Ban Contrary To Nation’s Values


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Simona Combi, 202-265-5111, [email protected]
Kevin Walker, 202-265-5111, kevin@globalpolicysolutions.org

Center for Global Policy Solutions (CGPS) President and CEO Dr. Maya Rockeymoore says President Trump’s military ban of transgender citizens runs counter to the spirit of inclusion that America and the military had slowly come to embrace over the decades. The ban is taking us away from progress, she said.

“Like the U.S. at large, membership in the military has shifted over time to become more inclusive of diverse groups such as women, people of color, non-citizens, and lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons,” said Rockeymoore. “America’s diversity is our strength, and we should be inclusive of transgender individuals who volunteer to defend and protect our nation.”

In a series of tweets this morning, President Trump said transgender soldiers would be a “disruption.” Critics say his stance is a reversal of his promise to be supportive of the LGBT community.

A Washington, D.C.-based think tank and public policy and action organization, CGPS adopted the mission “driving society toward inclusion” to emphasize its work to create more opportunities for all Americans. Last year, CGPS launched the Inclusion Revolution, an initiative designed to get lawmakers and others to use their influence to create a nation where everyone can achieve the American Dream.

The post CGPS President: Military Transgender Ban Contrary To Nation’s Values appeared first on Center for Global Policy Solutions.
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