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3 Medical Conditions That a Service Dog Can Help With


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Canines have been man’s best friend for centuries, and it’s not surprising why. They are intuitive and intelligent creatures to be around and bring a special element of joy and social interaction.

People with disabilities can get a service dog to assist them in all the major areas of their lives. These wonderful animals are specially trained to carry out tasks for their owners, helping to enrich their lives and live life with independence and confidence. If you are thinking of taking the next step and registering your dog as a service dog, you can follow this easy registration process to make it happen!

In this article, we’ll discuss what service dogs are, what they do, and the medical conditions that these pups can offer special help for.

What Are Service Dogs?

Service dogs assist their owners by performing specific physical tasks that will help them when a challenging situation arises. They are certainly helpful creatures where some examples of their specialized training involve:

  • Guiding a person with visual impairments
  • Signalling certain sounds or movements for those with hearing impairments
  • Retrieving items for people who have mobility restrictions
  • Alerting others if their owner is suffering a seizure of epileptic fit
  • Reminding their owner to take medication at precise times

Service dogs also bring other advantages that improve their owner’s emotional well-being, such as companionship, independence, confidence, motivation, and self-improvement.

Who Can Service Dogs Help?

Some common disabilities service dogs can be specially trained for and help with are:

  • Mobility problems
  • Visual and hearing impairments
  • Chronic fatigue conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Seizures and epilepsy
  • Cardiac syncope conditions

There are certainly plenty of areas service dogs can cover and prove to be a valuable asset in their owner’s life. Let’s take a closer look at three physical benefits a service dog can provide their owner.

Which Medical Conditions Can Be Helped By a Service Dog?

Service dogs can provide specialist help for people with many conditions, though the three below tend to be the main ones. They are:

1) Mobility Limitations

Mobility assistance dogs can help their owners by opening doors, turning light switches on and off, and picking up or retrieving objects for their owners. Service dogs can help switch their owner from their wheelchair to another position, such as their bed or the toilet. Some other helpful capabilities of service dogs include unloading the laundry from the dryer, pressing elevator buttons and paying cashiers.

2) Epilepsy

Service dogs can help their owners who have epilepsy by being trained to detect and alert their human partner of the onset of a seizure. When they sense an imminent seizure, they can warn their owner by pawing, pacing or placing their head or nose on their owner. This can help the owner prepare for the possible eventuality of a seizure by seeking somewhere safe to be such as soft flooring and being clear of furniture and sharp edges. If a seizure occurs, pups can be trained to call for assistance.

3) Chronic Fatigue

For people experiencing trouble caused by pain, fatigue, trouble walking, or limited mobility, service dogs are there to help! The clever canines can help those who have balance and coordination issues by preventing falls and accidents. Dogs can hold and carry items if their owner is too weak to do it themselves. Grocery shopping can be made easier as, by law, service dogs are allowed in public places such as grocery stores to serve their owner.

Final Thoughts

Overall, service dogs provide numerous levels of safety duties for individuals with disabilities. These expertly trained animals can become a partner for life in many activities that their owners find challenging. They also bring their emotional advantages too by being a companion for life, a friendly creature their owner can confide in, seek independence in, feel motivated with and encourage self-improvement.

Photo Credits

Photo is from pexels

Guest Author Bio
Trenton J. Smith

Trenton is an aspiring writer who loves to research and write about a wide variety of topics. When he is not writing, he enjoys gardening and long walks with his dog Boomer.
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