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5 ways to get tasks done on tough mental health days


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Blog May26

Being an adult means there is always something to be done. Paying the bills. Cleaning the shower. Washing the dishes. Grocery shopping. Doing taxes. You name it, and I have probably procrastinated about doing it. The problem is, these are tasks that have to be done. But on our toughest mental health days – when getting out of bed is a triumph, even preparing breakfast can feel like too much.

On those days, I wish I could flip a switch and robotically complete everything. But often, pushing through feels impossible because I’m caught so deep in the shame spiral. Can you relate? I compare myself to friends with colour coded to do lists and Tik Tok videos of people deep cleaning their kitchens. We all think adulthood looks like perfection – when in reality, we are all just doing the best we can with what we have.

On my tough mental health days, I try to have some grace on myself. Getting up is slower, and my list of tasks is narrowed down to what is realistic and time sensitive. This helps me out of my slump, and empowers me to enjoy life. But the fact remains, there are still things we have to do. Once we do them, we feel happier, and are better able to thrive. So how do we get them done?

Here are five ways you can get things done when your mental health isn’t feeling great.

  1. Make a list of what you need to get done, and take it one task at a time.

Figure out what your non-negotiables are right now – showering, taking medicine and eating are on the list! This will likely to energize you to do the next best thing on your list, whether that be complete some work calls, do a load of washing, or pay a bill. Once you have made your list, don’t dwell on it. It’s out of your head, and now you can focus on the one task before even considering the others.​

  1. Use your phone calendar or a diary to set reminders

When a bill comes in, it can be put to one side for ‘later on’. Often, we are so flooded by life, that we barely remember to pay the bill. So instead, when you receive a bill, pay it immediately or set a reminder in your diary to pay it on a certain date. Add an alarm to the reminder if needs be, and when it goes off pay the bill. Or, schedule half an hour each week to get your paper work done. Make it non-negotiable (set an alarm!), and pay your bills then. Even on your worst mental health days you can complete this task in bed!​

  1. Alternate household chores

When we are surviving, cleaning the kitchen or the bathroom is pushed to the back of our minds. But the longer we avoid this, the messier (and unhappier) we become. If you struggle to get household chores done, rotate the less essential tasks by week. So instead of expecting yourself to clean the entire house in the day, you can stick to cleaning the floors and benches this week, and next week you can focus on cleaning the bathroom. If you have a partner, spouse or housemate, you could even alternate these chores with them so everything still gets cleaned every one or two weeks, but you have variety.​

  1. Use your adrenaline to get the job done (even when it’s not scheduled)

So you plan to clean the oven tomorrow afternoon, and you are already dreading it (a great step towards procrastination!). But for some reason, you have a burst of energy at night and you just want to get it done. In those moments, ride out the wave of adrenaline and do the chores. It doesn’t matter if the adrenaline comes from anxiety or is left over from exercising, use it now so you don’t have to push through lethargy later.​

  1. Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself for doing simple tasks could feel strange. As adults, we expect ourselves to meet these standards and get the job done. But never discount how much strength it takes just to do the next best thing on your worst days. A reward can be a cup of coffee and your favourite TV show. You may shower, change into a fresh set of pyjamas and have a nap. Or you may have an impromptu dance party after vacuuming! The small things are always the big things, don’t forget that.​

Do you procrastinate? Contact Colleen on 0434 337 245, Duncan on 0434 331 243 for a FREE 10-minute phone consultation on how we can best help you, or press book now and make an appointment.

The post 5 ways to get tasks done on tough mental health days appeared first on Watersedge Counselling.
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