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A Penguin Like Me by Marcus Pfister


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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A Penguin Like Me is a beautifully illustrated introduction to diversity. We take a trip to the Antarctic where from a distance every penguin in the colony looks the same. But when we get to know each penguin as an individual we discover that every one of them is different, each has their own unique insecurities, strengths and dreams.

The Story: Lucas has come from another colony and looks a little different but as he meets the other penguins he realises that very penguin is different in their own way. Theo used to hide the fact he’s smart but now uses his intelligence to help others and Felix is a good listener although his short wings make his life more challenging. Lena is in love with Ida and Sofia ‘lives in a very special world of the senses’.

First impressions can be deceiving – Leon is generally bright and breezy despite looking disinterested and Timmy hides a sadness that he doesn’t understand behind clowning around. But together the penguins form a diverse community in which every penguin is accepted for their differences and allowed to be themselves.

We love penguins and are huge fans of Marcus Pfister’s illustrations. They are stunningly simple with beautiful pastel coloured backgrounds. We first meet the whole colony and our impression is that every penguin looks the same. But when we meet each penguin we learn about their physical differences, personalities, strengths, weaknesses and fears.

  • A Penguin Like Me - penguins - Story Snug

    The colony
  • A Penguin Like Me - Ida - Story Snug

  • A Penguin Like Me - Mia, Lily, Amelie - Story Snug

    Mila, Lily and Amelie

A Penguin Like Me is a fabulous picture book to use in the classroom to introduce the concept of diversity. It can stimulate discussions about how our differences can also be our strengths and that whatever our differences are we are all special.

Age Range: 3+

Author: Marcus Pfister / Translator: David Henry Wilson

Thank you to Netgalley and North South for our review copy of this gorgeous picture book. The German edition, So Oder So Einfach Pinguin Sein, was published last summer and the English translation, A Penguin Like Me, will be published on March 5th.


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