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Blog tour: Cotton Cloud Refuses to Rain by Elizabeth F. Hill & Hannah George


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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We’re delighted to join the Cotton Cloud Refuses to Rain blog tour. This beautifully illustrated picture book about the water cycle is intertwined with the theme of empathy and highlights the impact that the interplay between weather elements has on our everyday lives.

The Story: Cotton Cloud refuses to rain as she doesn’t want to make people sad. She has fun with Cumulus, Stratus and Cirrus but refuses to listen to Nimbostratus who wants to teach her how to rain. But as Wind blows, Waterfall dries up and people and plants suffer Cotton Cloud realises that refusing to rain doesn’t have the positive impact she thinks it does…

Despite her stubbornness and unwillingness to listen to the other weather elements, Cotton Cloud is a likeable character who ultimately learns a valuable lesson. Through her journey and interaction with others we learn about the water cycle, the way that different weather systems work together and the social and environmental problems that can arise if there’s an imbalance.

The text is easy to read and conveys important information in a child friendly way. We love Hannah George’s illustrations and the way that the landscape changes as the story unfolds and Cotton Cloud Refuses to Rain. The characters are fabulously personified and have wonderful facial expressions!



This is a great picture book to use as part of a weather topic in an early years or key stage one classroom. As well as teaching children about the water cycle it can also be used to stimulate discussions about empathy and how our actions, however well intended, can also impact others.

Age Range: 3 +

Author: Elizabeth F. Hill / Illustrator: Hannah George

Thank you to Catherine Ward PR for sending a review copy of Cotton Cloud Refuses to Rain. You can read more about the book on the other blog tour stops;




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