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Blueberry Lavender Shrub ~ A Drinking Vinegar Recipe


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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I absolutely love drinking vinegars! They are a fun and healthy way of exploring fruit and herbal combinations, while preserving some seasonal crops at the same time.

We recently had a lovely trip to The Blueberry Place in Midland, Ontario. A certified organic blueberry farm, they are an amazing example of what you can accomplish when you are passionate about growing food without chemicals.

What is a Shrub?​

Also known as a drinking vinegar, a shrub is an old time way of preserving fruit that does not involve canning. Essentially a concentrated syrup using fruit, sugar and vinegar, shrubs can be enjoyed in club soda or as apart of mixed cocktails.

This recipe is a cold-process shrub which means you need at least 1-2 weeks before you can use this shrub. Also note that this is my method for making shrubs and there are fast-processing versions available elsewhere.

Blueberry Lavender Shrub
A delightful blend of blueberries and lavender that can be enjoyed in soda water, flat water, or as apart of a cocktail.
  • 2cups fresh blueberriesfrozen can be substituted
  • 1cup sweetenerorganic cane sugar, honey, sucanat, coconut sugar etc.
  • 2tbsp lavender flowersfresh or dried
  • 2cups raw apple cider vinegarwhite vinegar, rice vinegar etc. are excellent substitutes
  1. Combine your two cups of blueberries, lavender and sugar into a bowl or jar of choice (you will need a one litre jar for the final product).
  2. Using a muddler, pestle or other similar tool, smash your blueberries and mixing it with sugar and lavender until liquid starts to form. To pull as much of the blueberries flavours out place your jar in the fridge for 3-4 days.
  3. After 3-4 days, top off your jar with raw apple cider vinegar. Place a piece of parchment paper as a barrier between the lid and the contents. Once the vinegar is added, the recipe is fine to be at room temperature. Allow it to sit out for at least one week (I prefer 2-3 weeks) in a cool and dark location (fridge is fine too).
  4. After 1-2 weeks strain out your fruit and lavender, mashing it as you go pulling out as much of the fruit flavour as you can. Discard the blueberry pulp.
  5. Put into a jar of choice, label and enjoy! Try 2 tsp (up to 2 tbsp) in some club soda and add more if you would like. Consider mixing your favourite cocktails such as vodka.

Blueberry Lavender Shrub Video​

If you enjoy watching hands-on instructions, you can check out my YouTube video on making this shrub below.

I hope you all enjoy this new shrub recipe. Don’t forget to check out my rhubarb lemon balm shrub and my strawberry, ginger, rose petal shrub as well.


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The post Blueberry Lavender Shrub ~ A Drinking Vinegar Recipe appeared first on Spiraea.
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