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Can 20/200 Vision be Improved with Low Vision E-Glasses?


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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20200 vision be improved with digital glasses

Our vision is extremely important to us. What would the world feel like without sight? That is why we go to the doctor when we are little to check whether our sight is working. Some of us lucky ones have 20/20 vision. But if you are only able to see at 20/200 or lower, even with corrective lenses, you can be diagnosed as legally blind. But there have been significant advancements in visual aids-related technology of late.​

What does it mean to have a 20/ 200 vision?

We begin with an interesting fact. By 2050 an estimated 2 million people will be blind. A legally blind person has a visual acuity of 20/200 or less. 20/200 vision will affect your functional vision and cause problems with seeing things at a distance. The test is done on the better eye. Another important fact is that blind people may have the capability to see something. Now we will discuss the different types of bad vision. Normal vision is 20/20. If you can read the second line of the Snellen Eye Chart from 20 feet away but not the first, you have 20/200. If you cannot read the first line you have 20/200 and even worse.​

What causes 20/ 200 vision?

There are many reasons for low vision, most cases are caused by eye diseases, especially age-related eye health problems. Besides, if the person uses narcotics such as smoking, has high blood pressure, or has a high-fat diet they are also at risk. Of course, there are some treatments which considered to be effective for eye diseases to lessen the progression of the illness and stop the person from losing their vision completely. For example, AMD (age-related macular degeneration), which usually starts at the age of 50 years or more, causes patients to lose central vision, making it harder to see the faces of people. These people cannot even cook or fix stuff around the house. Macular degeneration surgery is a type of laser photocoagulation used to treat AMD. But note that the average cost for treating AMD is $9000 to $65000. If people can't afford this or some people are not in a good condition for surgery, then a quick fix would be to use low-vision glasses first.​

20200 vision

What are Low Vision E-glasses for vision 20/200?

Now we will go into digital glasses for vision 20/200. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) low-vision E-glasses are now being used to help the visually impaired, and these two types of eyewear are commonly applied digital wearable visual aids for low vision.​

Virtual Reality (VR) includes using a headset with an embedded screen that displays a virtual world. Most headsets of VR devices use head tracking technology. It enables users to view their surroundings by simply moving their heads. It works by using two binocular televisions and stimulating the remaining photoreceptors, namely, through the applied software to take the picture, and perform tasks such as zooming in or out, etc.
AR stands for augmented reality. AR allows people to add digital elements to their actual environment. VR transports you to a virtual world. AR differs in that it uses the real panoramic field of vision and adds digital layers to the environment around you. Most low-vision E-glasses with AR technology allow individuals to see everything around them and they can see in high contrast color and high definition. AR assists in improving peripheral vision loss and central vision loss. The actual AR device is a panoramic electronic amplifier. The user can select the magnification while giving them the power to detect the position of objects in reality. Ultimately people with limited vision can experience a more normal visual experience.​

Can Low Vision E-glasses improve 20/200 vision?

Fixing 20/200 vision is not a lost cause – wearing low-vision digital glasses can increase visual clarity. People who are visually challenged will see some benefits using the appropriate low-vision digital glasses. In short, digital low-vision glasses are now the most advanced high-tech visual aids, which enable users to regain their vision from blurry to clear and from being unable to see far away to seeing far away.​

Near view​

Most low-vision electronic glasses have the function of distinguishing obstacles. If a white pen is placed on white paper, for instance, a person with low vision may not be able to clearly see the pen or its shape, even in close proximity. Electronic low-vision glasses have the ability to employ the outline feature to draw items out of the backdrop, allowing him to see the object with ease. In daily life, people with limited vision must also struggle to see handrails when climbing stairs at home. The outline function can be quite useful in these cases. Similarly, any nearby objects, such as reading material, pictures, small things, etc., can also be clearly seen through the outline function. In addition, outline mode also helps the visually impaired to read email on the computer and messages on the mobile phone in an easy way.​

Distance view​

Another major challenge for someone with impaired vision is seeing from distance. Without assistive technology aids, it is nearly impossible to observe other people's facial expressions, license plates, train schedules, items on grocery store shelves, outdoor scenery, and so on. With wearable devices, users can see these things clearly, and also enjoy TV screens, like movies or football games, and certain low-eye movement hobbies. Users will regain the ability to see the faces and movements of their friends and family. Even they may experience peripheral vision loss and even central vision loss. But at the very least users will see the faces and the expressions of the face.​

zoomax acesight s

Most low-vision E-glasses could enhance vision and improve the life quality of visually impaired people at any age. No matter whether students at school or employees of any company or seniors who want to live independently, people will also benefit from digital wearable visual glasses. By wearing low-vision E-glasses, users can free their hands so they can use a computer, play an instrument, or engage in outdoor physical activity while feeling comfortable and easy. Besides, they can continue working, increase their learning effectiveness, take on independent projects, and full their potential, and play an active role in society.​

zoomax acesight

Technology as always has come to the rescue. Zoomax is one of the leaders in this field. Zoomax’s Acesight electronic glasses are for people with the following impairments: age-related macular degeneration (AMD), myopic macular (MM), retinitis pigmentosa, diabetic retinopathy, detachment, glaucoma, optic neuropathy, etc. The future looks bright for the people that have 20/200 vision. Acesight VR camera will deliver a 4 times more detailed image compared with 12-megapixel competitor products. You will also be able to see farther and wider. Another product Acesight AR electronic glasses also have a top camera that delivers 65 degrees wide field of view. The whole device of the Acesight series is very lightweight. There is even a remote controller that is easy to use. You can learn how to use this remote control in 5 minutes. Acesight VR and Acesight S (AR) technologies may also improve the chances of users being able to get a job and that's impressive, other likely products include Irisvision, eSight, etc.​

How to choose the right Low Vision E- glasses for 20/200 vision?

When deciding between AR and VR low-vision visual aids, some users may become confused. The choice of various eyewear generally depends on an individual’s needs. In short term, the design of VR low-vision visual aids is full cover. This design is isolated from the outside, which may restrict some movement. Hence VR headsets are more suited to activities where the user is stationary like TV viewing, newspaper reading, videos, and Tablets.​

On the other hand, the design of the AR low-vision smart glasses allows users to monitor their surroundings with their peripheral vision. This ensures safe movement. Of course, it would have to be a comfortable or secure environment. Hence AR is suited to dynamic interaction (even outdoors) and simple stationary activities like book reading and studying in a typical classroom. More about the Difference Between AR and VR Low-vision Electronic Glasses (E-glasses).​

Besides, in order to choose the right digital wearable visual aids, you must also try them on. You could go to a low-vision store or clinic. Some manufacturers or suppliers provide new subscribers with a free trial period. You might also get in touch with your optometrist or a relevant organization in your region if you are still confused about how to pick appropriate reading aids. Alternatively, you could also search with terms like "low vision store," "low vision clinic," or "low vision devices," … to find some related information that may help you.​
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