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Come Out, Come Out, Chameleon! by Jonty Howley


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
Reaction score
Come Out, Come Out, Chameleon! is a wonderfully interactive picture book for young readers. With bold, colourful illustrations and a chameleon to spot on each page it’s a fun first reading experience.

The Story: An old man has a new chameleon. But he’s not actually seen it! He takes us around his house and garden and tells us where he thinks he may have seen it. The man gets sad at the thought of not meeting his new pet until he discovers chameleon care instructions stuck to his shoe. And the instructions tell him exactly what to do if he can’t find it…

We see the old man’s adorable dog in each page but his chameleon is much harder to spot. Luckily the pet care instructions are very clear and we love the page where they are reunited. The old man is convinced that he’ll never lose his new pet again but there’s an amusing pictorial twist at the end of the story.

The simple text is easy to read, it’s great for a beginner reader and the refrain is perfect for joining in. We love the bold colourful illustrations – they’re perfect for chameleon spotting! In some pages it’s easier to spot than others, it took us ages to find it in the garden!




Come Out, Come Out, Chameleon! is a great book to share with a group of children who will love spotting the chameleon on each page. It can also stimulate discussions about camouflage and how chameleons change colour to hide from predators.

Age Range: 3 +

Author / Illustrator: Jonty Howley

Thank you to Happy Yak and Netgalley for the review copy of this amusing picture book.

The post Come Out, Come Out, Chameleon! by Jonty Howley appeared first on Story Snug.
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