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Holiday Entertaining Without Stress


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Holiday Entertaining - Laying the Table

This is the time of year we all love to entertain, but with mile long to do lists and lots of pressures, it’s also the time we get most worked up about it. So how to enjoy holiday entertaining without stress?

My husband and I love to entertain. We have given a number of parties over the years, both at home and in larger outside venues. One of our favourite things is to do is invite people to our home for cocktails – or what we like to call our ‘drinks and nibbles’ parties. We have a large home, and pre-pandemic often hosted about 50 to 60 people at a time, but with a bit of advance planning and just a tiny bit of organisation, we both enjoyed ourselves just as much as our guests did.

Of course, we now entertain on a smaller scale, hosting several smaller parties instead of one larger one. However, our drinks and nibbles parties are still the best example of holiday entertaining without stress I know!

Here are some of my top tips and suggestions to help you enjoy holiday entertaining as much as we do, whatever kind of party you decide to hold.

Holiday Entertaining - April and Guy Harris by the Christmas tree

Top Tips for Holiday Entertaining Without Stress​

Keep it simple​

Don’t feel you have to give elaborate dinner parties, especially this time of year. If you do want to invite another a few people round for a sit down dinner, don’t feel you have to serve several courses. There are so many occasions to eat right now, it can be a welcome relief not to have to face another big meal.

Hosting Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? Keep it as simple as possible, and be realistic about the number of people you can host. Be sure to accept offers of help. Let people bring things to contribute to the meal. It’s important you have fun too.

Do it your way​

You shouldn’t feel pressured to impress anyone. The key to holiday entertaining without stress is to entertain people the way you would like to be entertained. This way, your party is almost guaranteed to be one people will talk about for months to come.

Think things through​

Be realistic about the number of people your house will hold, especially now. Better to have two parties for 10 or 20 than one for 30 or 40 and be absolutely crowded out. A lot of people feel very nervous about being in crowded spaces these days. You want your guests to feel comfortable and be safe.

Do you have enough glasses? Consider eco-friendly disposable glasses or renting glasses if you need more. I almost always use recyclable paper plates unless I am serving a full meal. Don’t forget napkins!

Accept offers of help​

If someone offers to bring something and it would be helpful for them to do that, then let them. It’s also no sin to ask people to bring things – in fact it can be very flattering for them. Ask your friend to bring ‘that wonderful cheese ball’ she always makes or ‘those amazing chocolate cupcakes’. No one likes to arrive at a party empty handed anyway and letting others help is a great way to enjoy holiday entertaining without stress.

Think outside the box​

Smaller, more intimate celebrations are definitely the way to go these days. Why not host a festive afternoon tea for a small group of friends? Dessert parties can be another fun way to entertain. Just invite a few friends round for dessert and coffee one evening after supper.

Make sure you have time to enjoy the party too​

Choose things you can make ahead of time, and don’t be over optimistic about how much time you will have to get ready. I use plenty of make ahead recipes and also don’t worry about working in the kitchen when guests are present. Most people end up in the kitchen anyway!

In recent years, I’ve had some of my larger parties catered. I’m a great cook (if I do say so myself) but when hosting a party, sometimes having to make all the food by yourself as well is just too much. If your budget allows, this is a great way forward, especially if you are catering for lots of guests.

Easy Nacho Dip

Simple and Frugal is The Way To Go for Holiday Entertaining without Stress​

Be sure to be mindful of your budget when planning your menu. Here are some ideas for simple, frugal appetisers and snacks.

Easy Nacho Dip with Tortilla Chips and/or sliced veggies for dipping (above)
Devilled eggs
Red Pepper Crostini Topping on toasted French bread
Tuna salad on Triscuits
Finely chopped egg salad on Ritz crackers
Brown bread with crusts cut off, in squares or triangles, spread with cream cheese and top with smoked salmon and fresh dill (below)
Cocktail sticks with small cubes of cheese alternated with small chunks of drained tinned pineapple
Ritz crackers topped with a soft cheese and section of drained canned mandarin orange
Square crackers topped with some soft cheese, a tiny piece of ham and a slice of hard boiled egg

Holiday Entertaining Without Stress - April Harris preparing canapés in her kitchen

Holiday Entertaining Without Stress – Easy Portions Guide​

How many canapés per person?​

For appetizers only before a meal, allow 3 to 4 canapés per person.
If the canapés are replacing a meal, then allow 10 to 12 per person.
If it’s just ‘cocktails’ or ‘drinks and nibbles’ allow about 8 to 10 per person.
I always keep some good cheese and biscuits on hand as well as chips and dips, just in case the canapés disappear too quickly!

How much wine/beer etc will you need?​

Allow half a bottle of wine per person, as well as a couple of bottles of beer. Not everyone will drink that amount, or even drink alcohol, but this equation allows for those who drink more than average so you don’t run out. You can’t really count cocktails into the equation either, so if you are going to make them, it’s a good idea to choose one or two and serve them from pitchers until they run out, and then let folks switch to wine, beer or soft drinks. Another alternative is to welcome everyone with a glass of sparkling wine or Prosecco poured over a couple of teaspoons of Crème de Cassis (for Kir Royale), St Germaine (Elderflower liqueur) or peach puree (for Bellinis), and then just offer wine and beer after that. (You can usually get 5 to 6 glasses from a bottle of sparkling wine.)

Keep the Party Going​

Fill a large cooler with ice and cold drinks and put it somewhere accessible so folks can help themselves as well. (Be sure to put a cloth nearby to wipe off any of the wet bottles, and put a bottle opener and corkscrew near by). Walk through the party frequently with wine and water bottles to top up people’s glasses – it’s a great way to make sure the conversation keeps flowing and that everyone is enjoying themselves.

Holiday entertaining without stress can be easy. Don’t get knitted about about how things ‘should’ be. Let the evening evolve and everyone will have much more fun. There are no hard and fast rules about how to throw a successful party – but one of the best ways to make sure you do is to relax and enjoy it yourself!

More Holiday Help and Advice For Holiday Entertaining Without Stress​

Easy Holiday Appetizers

Holiday Shopping Tips

How To Have a Merry Christmas

The post Holiday Entertaining Without Stress appeared first on April J Harris.
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